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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Intestinal Resection and Anatomoses, Methods of to Promote Healing 3 Bowel Plication, Intestinal Resection and Anatomoses What is it? This procedure is conducted to sections of infected or necrotic areas along with the connecting mesentary. The healthy tissue is then connected in apposition, Intestinal Resection and Anatomoses Why is it done? Done to remove intestinal sections that are: 1.Ischemic 2.Necrotic 3.Have abcesses 4. Severely ulcerated 5. Has undergone intersusseption 6.Areas are neoplastic, Suture Anatomoses 1 Method, Intestinal Resection and Anatomoses How is it done? Method, Methods of to Promote Healing 2 Omental Patching, Intestinal Resection and Anatomoses Types of Anatomosis 1.Side to Side 2. End to end 3.End to side, Intestinal Resection and Anatomoses Complications 1.Shock 2.Leakage 3.Reoccurance 4.Death 5.Peritonitis 6.Perforation, Methods of to Promote Healing 1 Serosal Patching, Intestinal Resection and Anatomoses Considerations 1.Blood Supply 2.Luminal Size Disperity, Intestinal Resection and Anatomoses Healing Options Methods of to Promote Healing
Suture Anatomosis
Bowel Plication
SynDaver Synthetic Canine Intestinal Resection Anastomosis - YouTube
Side to side bowel anastomosis (simulated) - YouTube
Simutomy Learn End-to-End Bowel Anastomosis YouTube
Simutomy-End To Side Bowel Anastomosis - YouTube
Serosal Patching